April 2021 Newsletter

April 2021

A Note From the Founder – Quest Clubs and Curiosity Untamed Websites Merging

Kerry Cordy

I want to thank everyone for their patience as we got the Curiosity Untamed website up and running. I know it has been a bit confusing for past members to figure out which website they should be on. For those that don’t know the history of Quest Clubs, it is a spin off of our main program, Frontier Girls and was launched in 2010 as a flexible, co-ed, scouting style program for all kids. Over the years, homeschoolers found the website and began using the badges as part of their curriculum.

When COVID hit, we lost roughly two thirds of our Quest Clubs as they were unable to meet, but we also saw a surge in people using the program for homeschooling. As a result we decided to build a new website, Curiosity Untamed, so we could modernize our website and make it more user friendly for a wide variety of uses. Now that the new site is up and running, we will be merging Quest Clubs into it as sub portion of the Curiosity Untamed website so that everyone has access to the same badges, but Quest Club leaders will have access to extra materials specific to running a scouting style club.

If all goes well, questclubs.com will simply redirect to specific pages on the Curiosity Untamed website so that if you have shortcuts saved or type in the Quest Clubs name, the links will still work. I am hoping to be able to transfer the Quest memberships to the new site seamlessly as well. This process will be gradual over the next month or two. If for any reason you have any problems accessing either site or can’t find something once redirected to a new page, please email me at kerry@curiosityuntamed.com or kerry@questclubs.com and I will fix it ASAP.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we transition to a new business model.

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Member of the Month – Anne-Marie Lacourrege – Level 1

As a service project, Anne-Marie made “Welcome Spring” decorative signs and gave them to STARC, a local organization that serves individuals with developmental disabilities. When she dropped the signs off at one of their residential homes, the residents came out to greet her and accept their gifts. The photo above is Anne-Marie and her dad by one of the STARC buses. Thank you Ann-Marie for being such a great role model to kids.

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New Badge Posted

Pyrography badge (Link to badge on the Quest website is HERE)

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Upcoming Badge of the Week

Every week we post resources to help you earn a different badge. You can find past resources by clicking the Resources tab and then our blog. Search for “Badge of the week”. April badges include:

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5 Year Pin

Have you been a Quest Club leader for 5 years or more? If so, please email me at kerry@questclubs.com with your shipping address so that I can send you your 5 year pin. With leader turn over, sometimes it is difficult for me to tell how long each person has been a leader, but I want to make sure you are recognized for your hard work and effort! Those with 10 years or more may request a 2nd pin until we have enough leaders hit the 10 year mark that I can afford to stock a 10 year pin.

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Upcoming Tech Girlz Workshops

Empowering Girls To Be Future Technology Leaders

TechGirlz’ mission is to inspire middle school girls to explore the possibilities of technology to empower their future careers. Their vision is to create a world where girls have a lifelong passion and confidence in their use of technology throughout their careers. They are accomplishing that mission through the creation of free, fun, interactive TechShopz led by industry professionals, leaders and students. They share their free workshop curriculum with companies, organizations, schools and community groups so they can inspire girls around the world with technology. April workshops include:

Unless otherwise noted, workshops are open to girls in 5th-8th grade. All workshops are free. Visit TechGirlz for the complete description of April classes.

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Beth’s Amazing Challenge

I love supporting our members who set goals for themselves and then work to achieve them. Beth Vicory is one of our most active members and has been earning badges with us for nearly 10 years. She recently won the title of Arizona Miss Amazing Teen and now has the opportunity to compete in the national pageant, but needs to raise the money in order to travel out of state.

Beth is an outstanding young lady who has autism and incurred a traumatic brain injury when her family’s vehicle was struck by a drunk driver in her freshman year of high school. She has worked hard to be able to walk and talk again, and would like the opportunity to represent the state of Arizona at the National Miss Amazing pageant this summer.

As a fundraiser, Beth is holding Beth’s Amazing Challenge, a photo/video scavenger hunt with a $25 entry fee per entrant. 50 different challenges were posted this morning with points awarded based on difficulty. The person with the most points on May 15 will be the winner. These challenges will not only encourage you to help your community, but learn new skills as well. For those unsure about participating until they see the challenges, I have posted the first 10 so you can get an idea of what to expect. If you think the Challenge is too challenging, you could just donate directly to her journey! Details below:

“Join us on this exciting adventure and support Beth in her journey to the National Pageant. Beth’s Amazing Challenge will be a fun scavenger hunt challenge for all ages to participate. You will learn new things about your Miss Amazing Queen as you complete each challenge. You will need to record each accomplished challenge as a photo or video and submit to: Facebook Group Beth’s Amazing Challenge. Participants should behave with responsibility and concern for themselves and others, and the law, as they strive to earn points. Putting others at risk or in danger of harm to person or property will result in disqualification.

Each challenge has a point value assigned. All challenges will have the opportunity for bonus points based on creativity. Challenges will be in a pinned announcement post in the Facebook group at 1 a.m., Arizona time, on April 1, 2021. Only entries submitted by midnight on May 15, 2021 will qualify. Register each participant by sending a $25 Venmo payment to @Autistic-Kids and joining the Facebook Group “Beth’s Amazing Challenge”. Start date: April 1, 2021. End date: May 15, 2021

Winners will be announced on or before June 1, 2021. Prizes: First Prize is a Beth’s Amazing Challenge t-shirt and a handmade piece of art from Ausome Art by Beth, and a curated gift basket. Second prize is a Beth’s Amazing Challenge t shirt and a handmade piece of art from Ausome Art by Beth. Prizes will be delivered if local or shipped by US Postal Mail following the Challenge end.”

Sample challenges:

1. Beth raised the money for her town to have a plaque installed at their 9/11 Memorial. Does your community have a 9/11 Memorial? Take a picture by it with a sign stating your community’s name. 48 points

2. Miss Amazing Pageant uses an alternative to talent called “Passion Presentation. Beth’s passion is community service. Take a photo of your passion. 33 points

3. Beth recently folded origami cranes for a museum display about the Poston Japanese American Internment Camp in Parker, Arizona. Do you have a local landmark that relates to the WWII Japanese American Internment Camps? Photos of it with you in the picture. 35 points. Live near a town called Parker? Take photo of you by the local “Welcome to Parker” sign. 22 points. Fold a giant paper crane out of poster board. 35 points

4. Beth twirls flags for performing fun. Get a picture of a flag twirled doing a routine. 12 points

5. Surfing is Beth’s favorite water sport. A photo of you surfing is 175 points. Photo of a landlocked you dressed to surf is 100 points.

6. Wonder Woman is Beth’s favorite superhero. Dress as your favorite superhero and perform heroic acts around your community. 55 points

7. Beth lives in Arizona, where you can find both desert cactus and pine forest. Take a photo of yourself with both types of plants. 27 points

8. One of Beth’s favorite extracurricular activities is Book Club. Create your own book club meeting with fellow bibliophiles. Photos of members holding their book. 88 points

9. Air Force JROTC is another favorite extracurricular activity. Each spring, they hold a military ball. This year, you are invited to the ball. Dress appropriately for the gala, then head out on the town. Find a ball to take a photo. 99 points. Bonus 10 points for “ball” creativity.

10. Beth is a Disney fan. Create a Disney themed scene. 10 points. Sing Disney karaoke on the streets of your town. 15 points