Colored Candles Award Ceremony

Colored Candles

This beautiful ceremony uses differently colored candles to show the various areas of discovery kids can earn badges in. All kids form a horseshoe. Each member is presented with a white candle . [Have on a table one candle for each Area of Discovery; The candles can either be colored or have a colored ribbon tied around them in the following colors: red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, purple, and pink. In the center have one tall white candle]

[Start with a formal flag ceremony]

LEADER: We welcome you to our award ceremony. Before you, you see a rainbow of candles, representing the wide variety of things in this world that there is to discover.

[Have the oldest member light the center white candle ]

“The white candle represents the Curiosity Untamed motto, “Ask Anything, Explore Everything”. As the color white encompasses all other colors, so does our motto include everything we wish to learn.”

[Use the white candle to light the others for the rest of the ceremony]

Red is for the Discovery of Health and Safety as we learn to make our minds and bodies strong.

The orange is for the Discovery of Knowledge, encouraging the love of learning and the constant quest to investigate new interests.

Yellow is for the Discovery of Science and Technology which lets us look into the how and why of things, solve problems, and recognize the ways in which our present interests can build toward future ones.

Light green is for the Discovery of Agriculture and an appreciation of God’s creatures and creations that provide for our food.

Dark green is for is for the Discovery of Outdoors, explorations here help us to appreciate our natural environment and to take actions to protect and preserve our world.

Light blue is for the Discovery of Character which helps us grow to be people of honor and teaches us to take joy in our surroundings.

Dark blue is for the Discovery of the World, helping us to build pride in our heritage, while appreciating the uniqueness of each culture.

Purple is for the Discovery of Art which helps us develop a personal appreciation for the many art forms and things of beauty in the world around us.

Pink is for the Discovery of the Home, preparing us to take care of ourselves and our families.

LEADER: From the light of discovery may your world ever grow. [have each member light their candles from one of the colored candles] Take your light into the world and let it shine forth with love and knowledge. [All the kids return to the horseshoe formation. Sing a song of your choice.]

Blow out the candles and proceed with handing out the awards.