- Badge Completion Form (to be given to the club leader upon completion of each badge)
- Service Hour Tally Sheet (to be used to track community service hours for a Servant’s Heart Award)
- Servant’s Heart Completion Form (to be given to the club leader upon completion of each Servant’s Heart Award)
- Award Completion Form (to be given to the club leader upon completion of each higher award)
- Level Master Log (to track all badges and awards earned at a single level)
- Badge Tracking Form: Paper form to track badge requirements completed.
(Troop/Club/Group Memberships Only)
Financial Binder Instructions– for tracking finances within your troop/club
- Bank Register – to track income and expenses and a running balance of trrop/club funds
- Revenue/Deposits Form – to log receipts of all money acquired through dues, fundraising, donations, etc.
- Membership and Dues Paid Log – to track which participants have membership subscriptions and have paid their dues to the troop.
Record Keeping Instructions– Instructions for setting up and maintaining a record keeping binder if you prefer not to use the Caspio Badge Tracking software
- Member Roster – consolidate contact information for the participants in your group.
- Attendance Form – Track which girls attend each meeting or activity
- Troop Meeting Planning Sheet – used to plan out troop/club meetings, can be printed on the the reverse side of the Troop Sign In sheet to verify which participants completed the requirements from that meeting.
- Troop Sign In Sheet – used to verify which girls were at a particular meeting and completed the requirements done that day.
- Health History/ Emergency Contact Forms – for troop use only! Keep these forms on hand during any troop activity in case of illness or accident. Do NOT send to Curiosity Untamed.
- Master Award Log – for tracking all badges and award earned in your troop, when they were ordered and when they were presented.
- Troop Policy Form – to be used to ensure all parents are aware of your troop’s policies and procedures. This is just a sample, please customize it to fit your troop’s policies.
- Disciplinary Action Form – to be used to document disciplinary issues within the troop and make sure that both girl and parents are aware of the consequences if the behavior continues.
Frontier Girls Charter Proposal Sample (PDF) – Sample proposal for reaching out to a prospective charter.
Frontier Girls Charter Proposal Sample (WORD- Editable) – Sample proposal for reaching out to a prospective charter.
- Frontier Girls Liability Release – This is a sample only. Please review any legal documents with your attorney.
- Frontier Girls Blanket Permission Slip – have parents sign for permission for all events during the year
- Frontier Girls Individual Activity Permission Slip – have parents sign for permission to participate in a specific activity
- Frontier Girls High Risk Activity Permission Form – to be used for activities with a higher risk of injury such as horseback riding, rock climbing, firearms, etc.
Quest Club Charter Proposal Sample (PDF) – Sample proposal for reaching out to a prospective charter.
Quest Club Charter Proposal Sample (WORD – editable) – Sample proposal for reaching out to a prospective charter.
- Liability Release – This is a sample only. Please review any legal documents with your attorney.
- Quest Blanket Permission Slip – have parents sign for permission for all events during the year
- Individual Activity Permission Slip – have parents sign for permission to participate in a specific activity
- Quest High Risk Activity Permission Form – to be used for activities with a higher risk of injury such as horseback riding, rock climbing, firearms, etc.