October 2020 Newsletter


October, 2020

A Note From the Founder – Badge of the Week

by Kerry Cordy

If you are new to Curiosity Untamed, follow our Facebook page or Instagram to see our Badge of the Week posts.  Each week we choose a different badge and post a daily resource or activity idea related to the badge.  We try to rotate Areas of Discovery so that you get a little bit of everything throughout the year.  The month of September we did Geocaching, Community Safety, Paper Crafting and U.S. Constitution.  Join us each day and learn something new!




Free Memberships Through Charter Schools

If you are using Curiosity Untamed as supplemental curriculum for your homeschooling and go through a charter school, check with them to see if they will accept Curiosity Untamed as a vendor.  Many charter schools have a budget for enrichment classes and supplies and will frequently pay for a membership to Curiosity Untamed as part of your curriculum budget.  Since our badges can be used as everything from supplemental unit studies to elective classes like fine arts our program fits well with just about any charter school.  Requests for information can be emailed to kerry@curiosityuntamed.com.  If your charter plans to purchase bulk memberships for all their students they can call for a discounted quote.



10 Ways to Make Homeschooling Fun During COVID

by Kerry Cordy

As “two weeks to flatten the curve” has become long term rotating lockdowns and stay at home orders, many schools across the nation have gone to online distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Zoom has become the new classroom. The teacher teaches, the students listen and attempt to absorb, but in distance learning there is little room for creativity and fun.   The teachers do their best, but it is difficult to get kids to participate and engage through a computer screen.  Whether your child is participating in remote distance learning or you are a homeschool family operating independent of any school at at all, these ideas should help you find joy in the learning process.

Click Here to Read the Entire Article

New Badges Posted

Potato Chips, Sculpture


Using Curiosity Untamed as Scouting Style Clubs

Troop 122 Finishes 10th Year

by Elizabeth Simmons, Leader Troop #122


It was NOT what I planned. Our 10th year as a troop was supposed to finish with scrapbooks, slideshows, and celebration of 10 years as Frontier Girls and 7 with our Quest Boys. COVID changed that.

But because it is 2020, we still managed to meet via Zoom from April through August. We completed the Paper Crafting and Costume Design badges as a troop.

I managed to drive by everyone’s home to pick up paperwork for badges completed at home. (I highly recommend the MapQuest route planner https://www.mapquest.com/routeplanner to make order of multiple stops.) I ordered the badges and we planned for celebration. For families that could gather, we had a court of awards with plenty of social distance. We served individually packaged ice cream and drinks. For families that could not, I delivered awards and badges.

Through it all, our families were also working at home on badges and awards.

  • Sydney L earned her Dolphin Life Skills
  • Emma P earned her Penguin Outdoors, S.T.E.A.M., Life Skills, Fruit of the Spirit, Liberty, Pink Garnet and WOW!
  • Avery P earned her Otter Leadership, Outdoors, S.T.E.A.M., Life Skills, Fruit of the Spirit, Liberty, Topaz and WOW! She also got started on her Dolphin work over the summer and earned her Make a Difference
  • Robyn V earned her Otter Discovery
  • Austin V earned his Dolphin Discovery in Quest
  • Kayleigh L earned her Otter Leadership, Liberty, Life Skills, Outdoors, S.T.E.A.M., Fruit of the Spirit, Topaz and WOW!
  • Lauren L earned her Penguin Life Skills
  • Additionally, Troop 122 earned 97 badges on their own over the summer!

We still have 3 of the original girls and 2 of the original boys.

Leadership Positions

As a new year gets started, it is time to assign leadership positions. Curiosity Untamed provides a great opportunity for kids to work together as a team as well as to learn to take on leadership responsibilities within your group.  In addition to badges and awards involving teamwork and leadership skills, all kids have the opportunity to serve in leadership positions within your group.  These members are essential pieces of your classroom or group and are represented by a puzzle piece pin.   Positions are held for anywhere from 6 months  to 1 year, giving each person enough time to learn and become proficient at the job, but switching often enough that all kids should get a chance to serve within 2-3 years.  Those kids who need to hold a leadership position in order to complete a gem award should be given priority.

Leader in Training

The Leader in Training is responsible for making sure meetings start on time. They should have a watch at every meeting and give quiet reminders to the Leader when it is time to start, have snack, etc. They are also responsible for keeping the kids occupied with songs or games if there is a lull in the meeting and the Leader is busy. Your leader in training should be trained in both the scribe and treasurer positions so that she can fill in if necessary. Finally, the Leader in Training is responsible for calling all patrol leaders with any important updates or information between meetings.


The Scribe is responsible for taking notes at all meetings when business is discussed.  They are also responsible for logging in all badges and service stars earned.  An adult should always oversee this position to make sure it is done correctly.


Snack Coordinator

The Snack Coordinator is responsible for creating a snack rotation list and calling to remind kids when it is their turn to bring snack. If for some reason someone cannot bring snack, it is the snack coordinator’s job to find a substitute.



The Treasure is responsible for reporting the current finances of the club at each Leadership meeting. They should help prepare budgets for all events and activities. The Treasurer is also responsible for logging in all payments to the club, these may include dues, club registration, uniform fees, or payments for badges and awards. An adult should always oversee this position to make sure it is done correctly.

Care Coordinator

The Care Coordinator is responsible for praying for the troop at least once a week if your club is religious. They should have cards ready to sign for all special needs (illness, birthday, thanks, etc.) and make sure they reach the intended recipient. Finally, if your club is participating in our Support A Service Member program, the Care Coordinator is responsible for packing and shipping all care packages. (The club is still responsible for paying all shipping charges.)


The Photographer takes pictures at all club meetings and events. You may wish to have more than one person serve in this position if you have a large group. This ensures that there are pictures of every person. Photographers may also be in charge of the club scrapbook.


The reporter is responsible for writing a club newsletter as well as sending photos and write ups to the local media.  Reporters are also frequently in charge of the club scrapbook or website.

Patrol Leader

The Patrol Leaders lead a patrol of between 4 to 8 members and are in charge of making sure their patrol is ready for the meeting, completes their chores in a timely manner and that any younger kids in the group have a buddy to help them if necessary during crafts or games. Patrol leaders are also responsible for calling the kids in their patrol to pass on important updates or information.