Simple T-Shirt Craft

by Elizabeth Vicoryosmanson

This project can be used for the T-Shirt Badge!  My mom and I found a pile of 3XL turtlenecks on clearance at Wal-Mart for a dollar a piece, so I bought four to use for crafting. I wanted to turn one into an autograph shirt for school, so here’s how my mom and I converted it… First, we cut off the high  neck and the long sleeves.  Then mom helped me mark an outline of my torso on the shirt so I’d know where to cut it.  We cut into the sides in rows all down each side, then cut each slit all along the seam, leaving a row of fringe down the side.  I took each pair of fringe, tied them together snug at the base of the cut, and voila,  my shirt was complete!