10 Steps to Starting Your Own Scouting Club

10 Steps to Starting Your Own Scouting Club

Have you ever wanted to create your own scouting program but didn’t know where to begin? Dive into the thrilling realm of Quest Clubs, where YOU wield the extraordinary power to create your dream scouting program! Envision scouting on YOUR terms—flexible, dynamic, and perfectly tailored to your passions, beliefs, and goals.  With thousands of badges and awards to earn, Quest Clubs offers the foundation while you bring your unique vision to life with personalized details.

1. Crafting Your Vision

The essence of Quest Clubs lies in its adaptability. Here, you’re the architect of your scouting universe. Begin by envisioning the type of club you want to create. Do you envision an all-boys, all-girls, or a co-ed environment? Are you interested in catering to specific age groups, or do you want to welcome individuals of all ages into your fold? Do you want to explore the great outdoors or spend most of your time on artistic pursuits? The beauty of Quest Clubs is that the choice is entirely yours.

2. Membership Flexibility

Once you’ve outlined your club’s demographic, it’s time to consider membership. Would you like to keep it exclusive to a select group of friends, or perhaps restrict it to a particular school or community? Alternatively, you might opt to open your doors to the wider public, inviting adventurers from all walks of life to join your ranks. Quest Clubs empowers you to tailor your membership policy according to your preferences.

3. Uniforms: Reflecting Your Style

Uniforms play a significant role in fostering a sense of unity and identity within a scouting group. With Quest Clubs, you have the freedom to design your own uniforms or embrace a uniform-free approach. Dive into our store, where you’ll find vests available in a spectrum of 17 vibrant colors. Whether you opt for a cohesive look, tailor uniforms by age or gender, or encourage individual expression through personal choices, your club’s uniform will be a reflection of your unique style and spirit.

4. Defining Your Identity

What’s in a name? Everything, when it comes to establishing the identity of your scouting club. While you have the option to use the Quest Clubs name, you’re also encouraged to choose a title that encapsulates the principles and objectives of your unique group. Names like The Wildflower Tribe or B.R.A.T. Brigade exemplify the diverse character of Quest Clubs, showcasing the creativity and individuality of each club. Choose a name that resonates with your vision and sets the tone for your scouting adventure.

5. Find a Charter Organization

Unlike other programs, Quest Clubs is not an organization that you join.  Curiosity Untamed LLC simply sells membership subscriptions to our website, similar to purchasing curriculum, where you will find all of our programming materials and a license to use the Quest Clubs name and logo in your youth programming. Most clubs are owned and operated by a local non-profit such as a church, school, veterans’ organization, etc. as part of their youth programming.  Having your club operated by a non-profit will provide you with liability insurance, financial oversight, a place to meet, and non-profit status which helps with fundraising. Brainstorm organizations in your community that you think would be a good fit to partner with the scout troop you are designing. Examples might include:

6. Gather Volunteers

Ensuring an adequate number of volunteers is paramount for maintaining the safety and efficiency of any scouting troop. Volunteers serve as the backbone of the troop, providing supervision, guidance, and support to the children involved. Having a sufficient number of volunteers ensures that each child receives the attention and care they need to stay safe during scouting activities, whether it’s a camping trip, community service project, or weekly meeting. How many volunteers you will need will vary greatly depending on the age and number of children you serve and the types of activities you plan to participate in.

7. Plan Out Finances

Planning out finances is essential when starting a club as it lays the groundwork for the success and sustainability of the group. By carefully mapping out financial needs and resources, club leaders can ensure that they have the necessary funds to cover essential expenses such as supplies and badges. Most clubs charge partcipants a small amount per meeting to help cover operating costs that average $3-$5 per meeting. Having a clear financial plan allows leaders to anticipate and budget for potential costs associated with activities, outings, and events, thereby avoiding financial strain or unexpected setbacks. Clubs created using Quest Clubs are not required to participate in any national fundraisers. Each club handles its own fundraising and keeps 100% of all money earned.

8. Promote Your Club

To promote your club effectively, start by developing a clear marketing plan aimed at raising awareness and attracting members. Utilize a variety of channels, including social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a broad audience. Additionally, consider local advertising methods such as posters, flyers, and newspaper articles to target potential members in your community. Community outreach efforts, such as attending local events, fairs, or school functions, can also help spread the word about your club and its activities. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth referrals – encourage existing members to share their positive experiences with friends and family to generate interest and expand your club’s reach. By employing these strategies consistently, you can effectively promote your scouting-style club and attract enthusiastic new members.

9. Hold a Parent Meeting

Conducting a parent meeting is crucial for ensuring clear communication and garnering support for your club. During the meeting, cover various topics such as costs, activities, expectations, and rules. Start by discussing any fees involved, detailing how they support club operations and activities. Then, outline upcoming activities, emphasizing their educational and recreational benefits. Discuss expectations for participation, behavior, and commitment from both members and parents. Finally, review safety guidelines and club policies. By facilitating open dialogue and addressing concerns, you can establish a supportive community dedicated to the success of your club.

10. Plan the First Several Meetings

Planning meetings for the first few months of your scouting-style club is essential for keeping everyone engaged and organized. Start by setting a regular schedule that works for both members and leaders. Create a clear agenda for each meeting, covering topics like badge skills, leadership, and community service. Include fun activities and hands-on experiences that align with the badges you plan to earn. Consider inviting guest speakers or organizing field trips to enhance learning. Encourage active participation and teamwork during meetings. Wrap up each session by summarizing key points and discussing upcoming events.

Embrace the Journey

Embarking on the journey to start your own scouting club with Quest Clubs is an exhilarating endeavor. With unparalleled flexibility and boundless possibilities, you have the opportunity to create a scouting experience that’s truly one-of-a-kind. So, don’t just dream it—live it. Find out more at questclubs.com.