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Your Vision, Your Rules – Discover the Freedom of Quest Clubs!


Design your own custom scouting program

Dive into the thrilling realm of Quest Clubs, where YOU wield the extraordinary power to create your dream scouting program! Envision scouting on YOUR terms—flexible, dynamic, and perfectly tailored to your passions, beliefs, and goals. Your adventure begins now with Quest Clubs, the ultimate platform empowering individuals of all ages to craft a personalized scouting journey, brimming with personal growth and exhilarating exploits. Don’t just dream it, live it—join Quest Clubs today!


Tailor your club to fit your vision. Whether you prefer an all-boys, all-girls, or co-ed dynamic; wish to serve all age levels or focus on a specific group—it's your club, your rules. Membership flexibility is paramount; restrict it to close friends, a specific school or group, or open the doors to the general public. The choice is yours.


Design your own uniform or embrace the freedom of a uniform-free option. Explore our store with vests available in 17 vibrant colors. Whether you opt for a cohesive look, customize by age or gender, or let individuality shine with personal choices, your club's uniform will be a reflection of your unique style.


Define your club's identity – opt to use the Quest Clubs name or select one that resonates with the principles and objectives of your unique group. Club names like The Wildflower Tribe or B.R.A.T. Brigade, showcase the distinctive character of each Quest Club. Make your mark with a name that captures the essence of your group!

I love Quest because it gives my children a place to form friendships and grow in so many ways! I love the structure and guidance that the badges and awards give me as a parent to be able to instill values and character traits to my children. I love that my daughter and son can be in the same troop and meet at the same time and we LOVE our leaders!

Thousands of Badges to Earn!

Individual Quest Membership

License for personal use
$ 35
per year
  • License for a single individual participating in a Quest Club to use the badges for personal enrichment outside of club meetings
  • Access to thousands of badges and the requirements to earn them.
  • Access to special Quest Members section
  • Free printable Quest Certificates
  • Access to our member forum
  • Newsletter with new badges added monthly

Quest Family Membership

License for personal use
$ 69
per year
  • License for all members of a single household to use the badges for personal enrichment outside of club meetings
  • License for all members of a single household to use content for homeschooling curriculum
  • Access to thousands of badges and the requirements to earn them.
  • Access to special Quest Members section
  • Free printable Quest Certificates
  • Access to our member forum
  • Newsletter with new badges added monthly

Club/Group Membership

License to run one Quest Club
$ 99
per year
  • Licensed for group instruction only. Participants need an individual or family membership for individual access at home. Usernames and passwords may not be shared.
  • Access to Quest Leader materials including a Leader Handbook, various forms and other resources for running a club
  • Access to thousands of badges and the requirements to earn them.
  • Access to special Quest Members section
  • Free printable Quest Certificates
  • Access to our member forum
  • Newsletter with new badges added monthly

Ready to start a Club?

If you are ready to start your own Quest club, please read through the FAQs below and how to start a club before continuing. 

If you have any questions, just email

Frequently Asked Questions

No.  Curiosity Untamed sells membership subscriptions to the website for the purpose of providing youth education materials.  Each Quest Club is independently owned and operated by individuals or organizations that have purchased a Group/Club membership to the Curiosity Untamed website. Each club is an autonomous body operated and governed by a single individual, local non- profit organization, church, school, or business.  These groups have purchased a license to use the Quest Clubs name, logo, and materials as part of their youth programming.  

Yes, you may transfer your club membership to any other person or entity of your choice as long as you put it in writing.

Quest is available for all ages  3 years and up.  Badges are designed for preschoolers through adults with requirements getting more difficult as you age. 

  • Preschool: ages 3-5
  • Level 1:  grades K-2
  • Level 2: grades 3-5
  • Level 3: grades 6-8
  • Level 4: grades 9-12
  • Level 5: adults

No.  Quest Clubs do not have official uniforms, but if your club would like to design a uniform, we offer vests in up to 17 different colors from youth small all the way up to adult 5X.  We also have suggestions as to how to arrange badges and awards on your vests, but they are just suggestions.  You may design any type of uniform you wish, or none at all.

No. Our badges are 1.25″ button style pins or magnets.  No sewing required.

Upon completion of badge requirements, you may either use the free printable certificates located in the Resource section or purchase physical badges in the form of pins or magnets through our store.  

If your child earns badges during club meetings,  the club leader will decide when requirements have been completed to their satisfaction.  Parents sign off on any badge requirements completed at home.

No. All badge requirements are online only. We add new badges and resources every month and anything printed would be out of date very quickly.  There is a pdf online participant handbook in the Quest Members Area and leader handbook in the Quest  leader area.

No parent or leader can be an expert on everything their children will want to learn about. You are welcome to take a class and learn the skill yourself first, but don’t be afraid to seek help from your community as well. Let the members of your community share the joy of teaching your children something by offering their own expertise. Just as the kids should be trying to make their community a better place through service, give your community a chance to make the kids better people as well.

With the invention of the Internet, a variety of resources are now literally at your fingertips. Search our blog posts for a collection of articles supporting a wide array of badges. If you can’t find what you are looking for, just ask! We are always willing to help locate resources that will benefit our members. You can also take advantage of local people and businesses with talents, knowledge, and skills in the area you are looking to teach.

Depending on whether you choose pins or magnets, badges and awards can be displayed on a vest, tote bag, backpack, jacket, bulletin board, shadow box, the fridge, magnet board or any other method you choose.

Yes!  Adult clubs are common and a great way to stay active and continue learning while making friends and staying social.

Badges and awards can be displayed on tote bags, backpacks, jackets, bulletin boards, shadow boxes, or any other method you choose.

Yes.  We only ask that you give us permission to share your badge requirements and add them to our program. You may also design your own badge pins by sending us .jpg format graphics.  Just keep in mind that our badges are only 1″ in diameter and details get lost easily when graphics are shrunk down that small.

Yes.  You may charge dues to your members to help cover the cost of supplies, badges, field trips, etc.  You may not personally profit from dues charged and all monies collected MUST be used for club activities and expenses.  No individual, business, or organization may run a club as a business and make a profit from the club.

No.  All fundraising is done at the club level.  You may do as much or as little fundraising as you wish and the club keeps 100% of all money earned.  All money earned by the club MUST be used for club activities and expenses.

How To Start a Quest Club

1. Familiarize yourself with the Quest program

Familiarize yourself with the Quest program and the Curiosity Untamed website.   Most of the information you will need is in the public areas of the website, but if you have any additional questions, just email Kerry Cordy at

2. Find a Charter Organization

Each Quest Club is independently owned and operated. Unlike other programs, Quest Clubs is not an organization that you join.  Curiosity Untamed LLC simply sells membership subscriptions to our website, similar to purchasing curriculum, where you will find all of our programming materials and a license to use 
the Quest Clubs name and logo in your youth programming. Most clubs are owned and operated by a local non-profit such as a church, school, veterans’ organization, etc. as part of their youth programming.  Having your club operated by a non-profit will provide you with liability insurance, financial oversight, a place to meet, and non-profit status which helps with fundraising. Brainstorm organizations in your community that you think would be a good fit with the Quest program. Examples might include:

  • Churches
  • Schools (both public and private)
  • Veteran’s Organizations (American Legion, VFW posts, etc.)
  • Moose Lodge, Elks Lodge, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, etc.
  • Homeschooling Co-ops
  • YMCA
  • 4H

A printable sample proposal for approaching charters is below and brochures and other materials are available upon request to help in making presentations to potential charter organizations.


While finding a charter organization is preferable, independent clubs run out of private homes are also allowed, but be aware that you do so at your own risk and will be 100% liable for all activities your club undertakes. Talk to your insurance agent about what your homeowners policy will and won’t cover.

3. Purchase a Membership

Once you find a charter organization, or feel comfortable operating a club individually, purchase aQuest Club Membership from the website. If you have already found an organization to run your club, have a legal representative of the organization purchase the membership and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

If you have not yet found an organization to charter you, you can purchase the Club Membership yourself and simply transfer it to an organization once you find one. If you are not yet ready to start a club, but want to get started as a family, you can purchase a family membership to work on badges at home.

4. Review Materials

Once a Club Membership has been purchased, you will have complete access to all levels of our website including the Quest Club Members Area and Quest Club Leaders page.  Here you will find our Leader Handbook, all necessary forms for running a club, record keeping instructions, financial instructions, and much more.

Follow the steps on the page Get Your Quest Club Up and Running to get started once you have purchased your membership.
