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Frontier Girls Age Levels

Preschool   ages 3 – 5 : PENGUIN

Penguins are among the most social of all birds, but are naturally clumsy on land, much like our littlest members. Penguins work together, sharing food and breeding sites. Alone in the wild, they wouldn’t survive long, but working together they can protect themselves and their young. We hope that our youngest members learn to be part of a team, to share, and to rely on each other.

Quick Reference Sheet for Penguins

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade  ages 5 – 8 : OTTER

Otters are known for their playful behavior. They are smart, creative, and curious. Their play helps them gain knowledge, speed, and dexterity that helps them survive. We hope that our members will never lose the ability to play and look at the lighter side of life.

Quick Reference Sheet for Otters

3rd – 5th Grade  ages 8 – 11 : DOLPHIN

Social behavior comprises a major portion of a high energy dolphins’ daily activities, but it doesn’t stop with teamwork and play. When a pod member is sick or injured, other dolphins will come to its rescue and help it to the surface to breathe until it is well. As the girls get older it is important that they learn compassion for those around them.

Quick Reference Sheet for Dolphins

6th – 8th Grade  ages 11 – 14 : BUTTERFLY

Every year, Monarch butterflies make an incredible 2,500 mile journey from the eastern United States all the way to Mexico. They persevere through all obstacles, whether wind or rain, and keep their eye on their goal, not the difficulty of getting there. As girls begin the journey toward womanhood, this can be the most difficult age. We hope that like the Monarch, they will persevere through any difficulties.

Quick Reference Sheet for Butterflies

9th – 12th Grade ages 14 – 18 : EAGLE

Bald eagles are a symbol of majestic beauty and great strength. They soar though the sky, high above the earth, taking in all the details below them.  Keen vision gives the eagles the ability to see far off challenges, soaring through each pursuit with great success.  As the girls prepare themselves for life on their own, it is important to keep an eye on the future and be ready to meet every challenge.

Quick Reference Sheet for Eagles

Adult Participant  ages 18+ :  OWL

(This is a level for girls 18+ and adults who wish to earn badges and awards at the adult level) With unblinking focus, the owl constantly looks toward the future, searching out the next piece of wisdom that might make a difference to it’s world. Observing everything around them with calm patience, they soak up knowledge and glide confidently through the darkness knowing that soon it will be light again. Like the owl, we hope that the adults who participate in our program will continue to focus on the future, learning new skills, gaining new knowledge, and remembering that each morning is a brand new day.

Quick Reference Sheet for Owls

Leader:  Geese

With every flap of its wings, the lead bird in a flight of Canada geese is breaking through a wall of air, creating a swirling vortex that provides a push for each follower. Some estimates show that geese in a V-formation can fly as much as 70 percent farther than they could fly alone. It’s exhausting work for the lead bird, but Canada geese have an answer to that, too: they take turns. When the leader drops back, another takes its place.  Like the goose, we hope our troop leaders remember that they are not alone and that by working together they can achieve wonders.

Adult Volunteer –  STARFISH

A young woman was walking along a beach upon which hundreds of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.

She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”

The woman seemed crushed, but after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied, “Well, I made a difference to that one!”

As Frontier Girls volunteers, we may not be able to make a difference to the whole world at once, but don’t ever forget that we make a big difference to each and every individual girl that we serve.  We will change the world one girl at a time.
