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Interested in Starting a Frontier Girls Troop?

Read through the information below or contact Kerry Cordy directly via either phone or email on the Contact Page.

Structure: Frontier Girls is a scout-like program for girls only that utilizes the badges and awards of the Curiosity Untamed program. Each Frontier Girls troop is independently owned and operated. Unlike other scouting style programs, Frontier Girls is not a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that you join.  Curiosity Untamed simply sells membership subscriptions to the content on our website along with a license to use the Frontier Girls name and uniform in your youth programming. Most troops are owned and run through a local non-profit such as a church, school or veterans organization. Read through the website and familiarize yourself with both the Frontier Girls and Curiosity Untamed program. Make sure to read through the FAQ page which will answer many of your questions.  Most of the information you will need is in the public areas of the website, but if you have any additional questions, just email Kerry Cordy at

Troop Costs: The annual troop membership fee is $99.99 and grants a license to run one Frontier Girls troop as well as a Quest Club for the boys if you wish. Included with the troop membership is access to all leader materials including a leader handbook, a variety of forms for running a troop, leader level badge tracking software, and more. Each girl who participates in the troop needs to purchase an individual ($35/yr) or family ($69.99/yr for 2+ girls in one household) Frontier Girls membership in order to have a license to the the Frontier Girls name and uniform and gain access to all badge requirements. Each troop may either charge dues to cover their operating costs, fundraise for them or use a combination of both. All fundraising is done at the troop level and troops keep 100% of any money they earn. All funds earned must be used for troop activities and expenses and no one may personally profit from the troop.

Troop Type: Decide what type of troop works for you and your family. Questions to consider: Will you serve all age levels or just one? How many girls do you wish to serve? Do you want a small troop of 6 or a large troop of 30? How often will you meet and for how long? Will you meet every week or just once a month? How many volunteers will you need to help you? How much space will you need to meet in?

Find a Charter Organization: Most troops are run as part of the youth programming of a local non-profit and each troop takes on the characteristics of the charter organization that runs their troop. If the troop is run as a youth group at a church, it may teach church doctrine. If it is run as part of the youth programming of a VFW Post, it will focus much more on patriotism and civic duty.

Operating your troop through a local non-profit will provide you with basic liability insurance, financial oversight, a place to meet, and non-profit status which helps with fundraising. The organization that owns your troop will be in charge of all personnel training, insurance, finances, etc. Brainstorm organizations in your community that you think would be a good fit with the Frontier Girls program. Examples might include:

  • Churches
  • Schools (both public and private)
  • Veteran’s Organizations (American Legion, VFW posts, etc.)
  • Moose Lodge, Elks Lodge, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, etc.
  • Homeschooling Co-ops
  • YMCA
  • 4H

Below are printable sample letters for approaching various charters. Brochures and other materials are available upon request to help in making presentations to potential charter organizations.

Word Documents:

PDF Documents

While having your troop operated by a local non-profit is preferable, independent troops run out of private homes are also allowed, but be aware that you do so at your own risk. Curiosity Untamed does not offer insurance of any kind and independent troops are 100% liable for all troop activities and finances. Talk to your insurance agent about what your homeowners policy will and won’t cover and make sure you understand current tax laws regarding how to handle troop money.

Ready to start a troop?

Want to test the waters? Join as an individual and transfer into a troop later.
