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Welcome to Quest Clubs!

We are so excited to have you join the Quest Clubs family! As part of an organized Quest Club we have put together a quick start guide so that you can find the information you are looking for quickly and easily. Feel free to contact Kerry Cordy with any questions at

Leader Materials (club leaders only)


Quest Member Forms

Got to the Forms page

Getting Started

If you are new to Quest Clubs, here are a few steps to help you get started quickly.

1. Purchase a uniform.

Quest Clubs have no official uniforms, but most clubs like to have a vest to display their badges and awards on.  Find out what your club uniform is if they have one and purchase a uniform. We have vests in 17 different colors available in our store for you to choose from or you are welcome to design and make your own uniform if your club does not have one picked out.  Click here to go the Uniforms page to learn how a traditional Quest uniform is laid out.

2. Know what level you are and what color represents you.

  • Red – Preschool
  • Yellow – Level 1 – Grades K-2
  • Blue – Level 2 – Grades 3-5
  • Green – Level 3 – Grades 6-8
  • White  – Level 4 – Grades 9-12
  • Grey – Level 5  – Adults

3. Learn the Quest Motto, β€œCuriosity Fuels the Future!” and familiarize yourself with the Quest code of conduct found in the handbook.

4. Look through the Areas of Discovery and get familiar with what type of badges we offer and what type of requirements are expected from your level.  Click here to be taken to the Badges page.

5. Look through the Awards offered and what is required to earn them for your level.  Click here to view all awards.

6. If you are part of a club, understand the various leadership positions you might hold within a club.  Click here to view all leadership positions.

7. Follow the Quest Clubs Facebook page to get the latest badge resources and news.

7. Join our Curiosity Untamed/Quest Clubs Forum Facebook group to connect with other parents and leaders around the country.
