A Note From the Founder – You Are Never Too Old to Earn Badges
Kerry Cordy
As Curiosity Untamed continues to expand, we have discovered that adults love to earn badges just as much as the kids do. As a result, we have seen an increase in adult participation not only in earning badges with their kids, but also forming Quest Clubs or Frontier Girls Troops specifically for adults. From active outdoors groups to indoor crafting groups and everything in between, adults are rediscovering how much fun it is to learn new things.
Senior Centers have also discovered our badges and have begun opening clubs specifically geared toward senior citizens to keep them active. One senior living residence has added badges to their Travel the World program. Each resident receives a “passport” and every month they “visit” a different country and earn history and culture badges for that location. They watch a travel show about the country, eat food from that country, learn about it, etc. and then receive a badge for the country they learned about. They have also added badges to their activity days such as their Dr. Suess Day where the residents earned their Dr. Seuss badge.
You are never too old to stop learning, so choose something new you want discover; get out there and earn a badge!
Official Swaps Are Now in the Store
If you participated in this year’s SWAPS event and want an official SWAP from me, they can be ordered free of charge in the store. Shipping still applies though so I recommend waiting to order them until you need to place a badge or award order.
New Badges Added
Green Slime Recipe – Fun For St. Patrick’s Day
Submitted by Hannah Lundquist
WARNING!!! This is NOT edible and Borox can be toxic if ingested so keep away from small children. Slime should only be made under adult supervision.
Ready for a little science? Making your own slime is a great lesson in chemistry. Slime is neither a liquid nor a solid, so it is considered a non-Newtonian fluid. Non-Newtonian fluids can be picked up like a solid, but will flow like a liquid. Pull the slime slowly and it will stretch and ooze. Pull it quickly and you can break pieces off.
- 1 ½ cups of water
- 2 teaspoons Borox
- 4 ounce bottle of Elmers Glue
- Green food coloring
- Pour in 1 cup of water into a small bow and add 2 teaspoons of borax powder. Stir to dissolve.
- In a separate larger bowl, pour 1/2 cup of water and the entire bottle of Elmer’s school glue and stir until well blended.
- Add green food coloring to the glue mixture and blend well until you get the desired color.
- Re-stir the Borox mixture and add to the glue mixture.
- Stir the mixture until it becomes solid. Leftover liquid is normal. Gather the solid material with your hands, knead until it has a more solid consistency.
- Form the solid mixture into a ball and dispose of the liquid
- Work the mixture gently until it forms a ball and most of the liquid is gone.
- Place your green slime in a closed container to keep it fresh
You can add different Saint Patrick day charms, and glitter and stuff
Troop Highlight – Troop #609
Troop 609 made pillowcases as part of their sewing badge. They are donating 46 pillowcases to Ryan’s Case for Smiles. A charity that distributes donated pillowcases to children in hospitals to allow those children to feel more at home while healing.
What service have you your troop/club done for your community? Email kerry@curiosityuntamed.com to be featured in the newsletter.
Wildcraft Game
submitted by Christina Diaz Hunt
If anyone is working on their Herbs, History of Medicine, Wildflowers, or even the Outdoor Safety badges, my kiddos and I have been playing this awesome game called Wildcraft. It’s a cooperative board game that teaches about 25 different medicinal plants and things they are used to treat. It’s a very simple Candyland type game and only teaches in very general terms (ie it doesn’t tell you what part of the plant to use, how to harvest it, or how to prepare it) but it uses very accurate illustrations and uses both the common and scientific names for each plant. It also has a free companion download for older kids that not only expands the story but also incorporates teaching safety etc. Anyway, thought y’all might enjoy it!