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May 2023 Newsletter

Kerry Cordy

A Note From the Founder – Badge Ordering

Kerry Cordy

Just a reminder that I get TONS of badge orders at the end of the school year. Since all badges are made to order this means that orders take longer to fill than usual. When planning end of year ceremonies, PLEASE make sure to place all badge orders at least 3 weeks before you need the badges. Depending on where you live, shipping can take anywhere from 2-10 days and I need a minimum of one week to get the badges made. Unlike months like July when I am lucky to see one badge order all month, the end of May gets a little crazy and I can have thousands of badges to make in a single week. Please plan ahead. If you need your badges by a specific date, make sure to put a note to that effect on your order and I will do my best to get them to you in time. Do not ask for overnight shipping. The fastest I can ship is Priority Mail. I do not do overnight shipping under any circumstances. Thank you in advance for your patience during this busy season.

New Badges Posted

Pollinators, Baby Animals, Animal Rescue, Art (Specific)

Higher Award Price Increase

Just a heads up for those who are budgeting for the higher awards that have gems in them. I have never really made any profit on these items, but I am now actively losing quite a bit of money on several of them due to price increases from my vendor. As a result, instead of having all higher awards priced at $9.99, I will be forced to raise prices as of June 1, on several of the awards. In the future, higher award prices will range from $9.99 – $16.99 depending on the award. Make sure to check the store after June 1 fro current pricing so you can budget accordingly. Sorry everyone. I always hate it when I have to raise prices.

Pirate Badge Resources and Unit Study

After attending a pirate themed event with my daughters, I have had pirates on the brain. So I decided to write a unit study to learn about this captivating era of history . Explore the fascinating world of swashbuckling criminals who sailed the high seas in search of treasure and adventure. Throughout history, pirates have captured the imaginations of people young and old with their daring exploits, legendary battles, and colorful characters. Delve into the history of piracy, learn about famous pirates and their ships, discover the pirate code, explore pirate language and slang, and even make your own fancy pirate hat. So hoist the Jolly Roger and let’s set sail on a voyage of discovery!

Click Here for the Pirate Badge Unit Study

Pocket Knife Safety Badge Resources

Summer is coming and with it come outdoor adventures. Carrying a pocket knife can be useful for a variety of purposes, but safety must come first. If you are introducing your child to a pocket knife for the first time, or just want to refresh safety with older kids, we have put together a variety of activities to earn your Pocket Knife Safety badge.

Click Here for Pocket Knife Safety Resources

Scholarship Winners

Each year our Frontier Girls program awards three continuing education scholarships to girls who have gone above and beyond the basic program and fully embraced what being a Frontier Girl is all about. I proud to announce this year’s scholarship recipients.

Kara Simmons, Troop #122 – Recipient of the $1000 Abby Olson Award

Award Qualifications: Eagle Level Diamond Award and WOW! Award

Kara Simmons graduated high school in May 2022 and  became an Owl at the same time. She spent her summer and fall at home, volunteering in her state senator’s office and on a local political campaign and working some side jobs. She also continued in Frontier Girls as an Owl, volunteering with Troop 122 and earning a few badges with her mom. She served at her church and worked on strengthening job skills and networking. In August, Kara attended Patriot Academy National Leadership Congress. In January, she moved to Austin, Texas to serve in an internship as a legislative liaison for Texas Homeschool Coalition. She spends her days analyzing bills, communicating with legislators and their staffs, testifying before committees, and communicating with the Texas Homeschool Coalition membership. Kara and her team have hosted two workshops for families at the Capitol to teach them about the legislative process and lobbying. She has been accepted to college for the fall and plans to study Marketing and Political Science.

From her application essay: “My early motivation to earn the awards in Frontier Girls was, “I want the sparkles.” As I have grown, I see the achievement in each award. The Make a Difference Award encouraged me to find new ways to serve and to take the lead. The Liberty Award encouraged me to learn about the foundations of our nation. This in turn is inspiring my life path to serve our nation in the political arena. The Major in Knowledge Award led me to shadow in my State Senator’s office, which has led to volunteering there. The awards have inspired deep learning.”

Elizabeth Vicory, Pioneer – Recipient of the $500 Charlotte Duke Award

Award Qualifications: Eagle Level Diamond Award

Elizabeth has been a Frontier Girl for more than 10 years and has earned nearly every award the program offers. After graduating high school she has set a variety of goals for herself including travel, collecting new experiences and learning new skills.

From her application essay: “Why do I want a scholarship? To travel! I’m going to compete in the Miss Amazing National pageant again! I want to go show the world that a girl with autism can and will do great things! Along the way to the crown, I want to explore more of America! Our route will include states I’ve never been to before, and I am going to go to at least ten special places to learn or do new things, eat at least three new foods, and earn at least five unique badges (not travel destination badges.) 

One of my favorite things to do while traveling is to tell other people about Frontier Girls. I love to say “oh, we have a badge on this and I’m earning it right now.” They always seem surprised.  We have a badge for EVERY topic because everything is worth learning about! Life is for learning and adventuring, and that’s what I plan to do with the scholarship money.

Sarah Lundquist, Troop #159 – Recipient of the $500 Megan Lundquist Award

Award Qualifications: Eagle Level WOW! Award

Sarah has just graduated high school (homeschool) and is about to head out for an epic coast-to-coast road trip! She’ll drive through over half the states in just over 2 weeks. After vacation, Sarah plans to volunteer teaching kids at VBS, then start working full time through the summer. Future plans include community college (for now), with an emphasis on Global Studies and World Missions.

From her application essay: “The saying “you are who you hang out with” I think is true in all areas of all people’s lives, truer than we often tend to realize. And being in Frontier Girls for 12 years has allowed me to meet and be surrounded by so many people who not only pursue excellence themselves but encourage others to do the same. Being in an environment of friendly competition and genuine encouragement has had such an impact on my life, even my life outside of Frontier Girls. Both the people of my own troop and simply the program itself have taught me to be creative, to love and be excited to learn new things, to work hard, the importance of serving others, it has pushed me outside of my comfort zone allowing me to do amazing things I never thought I could! All the things I’ve learned through this program I know will have a lasting impact on my life and I couldn’t be more thankful for it.”


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