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May 2022 Newsletter

Kerry Cordy

A Note From the Founder – Getting Ready for Summer

Kerry Cordy

Summertime is almost upon us! Badges are a great way to keep boredom at bay as you take a break from formal schooling. Summer is a great time to allow your kids’ curiosity to run untamed. No required state standards to adhere to, just fun and exploration. Whether your kids wants to learn more about their favorite toy (Trademarked Toys badge) or cool off in the back yard (Water Games badge) there are thousands of ideas hiding in our badges to keep kids busy throughout the hot weather. Give them the list and see where their interests lead you!

New Badges Posted

Time Capsule, Lost Media

Parenting is Hard

By Katie Lundquist (mother of 11 and leader of Frontier Girls troop #159)

Parenting correctly is exhausting. It’s intentional, time consuming, raw and real, and it exposes our own flaws. It’s humbling. But it’s oh-so-necessary! We’ve been entrusted with these little souls for a short tim

e, to train and teach, discipline & disciple, love and lead. Two of my little ones got into a spat while I was in the shower. The whole fracas took about 37 seconds. Dealing with leading them to see their part in the blow-up, modeling correct responses, admitting the times where – I – fall short of those goals, praying with them and having them each seek forgiveness from the other took about 20 minutes. But relationships are restored, and it is all worth it!

Why? Why did I spend so much time on such a seemingly small thing? Because character matters, and they’re not going to learn it on TV, the radio or social media! They’re not going to learn it from their friends, in most cases. It’s. My. Job. It became my responsibility from the moment I conceived these beautiful blessings. Why am I telling you all this? NOT to “toot my own horn”, AT ALL. I am NOT the perfect parent, by any means! Just ask my kids. ? But I feel strongly that I should pass on what I’ve learned over the years to those coming along behind me. Because I want those younger than me to understand that good parenting doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a heavy responsibility that shouldn’t be entered into lightly. It’s HARD. Because people often seem surprised that my kids are the way they are, and although the credit for that goes to God, Mark & I have a part to play in that as well. Parenting will change you in ways you never imagined. It is a sanctifying work, if you let it be. But in any case, parenting – correctly – is a full time job. Don’t skimp.

Gifts to Ukraine

Many thanks to those of you who gathered toys and gifts for the children of Ukraine. Ashley Mitchell, one of our members, had a connection in Poland who was looking for small gifts to comfort the children of Ukraine who were evacuated there.  The children were forced to flee their country with little to nothing and the many small gifts were greatly appreciated. More than 30 families and troops participated and sent a wide variety of items including books, stuffed animals and small toys. Thank you for your generosity.


Frontier Girls #576 Chambersburg adopted the Mountain Green Cemetery Memorial in Franklin County PA creating OPERATION REMEMBER-RESTORE-HONOR. They hope to honor those buried there while understanding the history and the legends associated with Mountain Green. Meet some of the girls in troop #576 who got things started.

There are 16 girls in the troop but these 4 girls are the ones who got the ball rolling for the cemetery!!

  • Addison, wanted to clean headstones for our Veterans
  • Sophia wanted to place flags and medallions for our soldiers
  • Kira and Bella actually have been working to clear the cemetery Because of these girls, the ball started rolling and picked up speed!

Follow their actions on their Facbook page at:


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